The CAT COLOR VISION is the industry’s first full color directory display.
- CAT Color Vision provides color choices, 8 for characters and 8 background.
- Both displays provide 3 programmable character sizes.
- CAT Color Vision provides either 8, 38 or 90 names per screen.
- CAT Vision provides 8, 24 or 48 names per screen.
- The display is scrolled with up and down buttons.
- 56K baud modem.
- 13,000 event log buffer.
- 2 reader inputs (ready to add readers and cards or transmitters and receivers)
- RS485 expansion port (add up to 12 additional readers and 256 relays)
- 16 time zones, 16 access levels and 16 access groups.
- Maximum phone number capacity is 2,700.
- Maximum card (transmitter) capacity is 16,200 (each with a name attached).
CAT Vision and CAT Color Vision provides outstanding optional features:
- NIC, Network Interface Card that provides a plug-in TCP/IP Network interface.
- CATCOM-RF, is a wireless RS485 data connection. Wireless and wired RS485 interfaces
can coexist within the same CAT system.
- Special metal finishes interfaces can coexist within the same CAT system.